A Girl Child Is A Blessing

Think About A World Without Them...


Whatever You Did
For One Of The Least Of These

Brothers & Sisters Of Mine You Did For Me. ~Matthew 25:40


To All Who Bought
A Hope Home Bracelet

You Made It Possible For 120 Children To Receive New School Uniforms!


All Because Of Your Support!

Over 150 Tennis Shoes Were Distributed To Kids Who Have Never Owned A Pair.

Our Mission

We believe love is an action not merely a spoken word. We believe in a form of love that seeks nothing in return.

By feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, giving drink to the thirsty, caring for the widows and loving the unloved,

whether they be in the far reaches of India, El Salvador or right here on our own home soil of the United States,

we are proving that love is alive!

See How Your Support Changes Lives!

Mission Photos

Your Support Matters

Our program ensures that each child has the opportunity to attend school, receive health care, and most importantly, learn about Jesus.

We achieve this through the generosity of others who choose to become child sponsors or donate to our General Fund.

We just want to say THANK YOU!  Your support matters more than you could possibly imagine. 

Please pray that our children and widows needs will be met and they will know Jesus more deeply.

Thank you for partnering with us and sharing LLYMI with your communities. We LOVE and appreciate all of you!

We know this vision was given to us by the Holy Spirit and He will make a way!


Josh and Kady Weathers

Founders of Love Like You Mean It International